My Biggest, Most Important DIY Project

Yesterday, I began the journey of what may be the most important, hugest DIY project of my life. It’s going to take some time but I hope to have it completed by May of next year. This project will be a huge makeover of both the interior and exterior. It may even mark my television debut.

What exactly do I have in store? Continue reading to find out. 🙂

Yesterday began the first day of a weight loss challenge one of our local news channels and gym are hosting. It’s slightly modeled after the Biggest Loser show and will include monthly challenges, workouts, recipes, and weigh-ins. I’m hoping this challenge will give me the boost of motivation and camaraderie I need.

I decided to join this challenge because I’ve struggled with losing weight for the last 5-7 years or so. Almost 10 years ago, I embarked on a weight loss journey that led me to lose 50 pounds. I accomplished this with lots of hard work: eating healthier and exercising consistently.

However, I’ve gained 30 lbs. of that loss back. Why? I think it’s because while I grew stronger physically and mentally, I still need to be stronger emotionally. To be wholly healthy means all 3 parts of yourself are strong and well.

It’s not that the previous weight loss was for naught—to this day, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life and have grown more than ever. But life is a constant process of growth, and there are still some emotional issues I will be addressing with this weight loss challenge.

I feel a weird combination of emotions about this challenge. Who knew you could feel two contradicting emotions at the same time?! One part of me is scared to change and the other is scared that I won’t change. And in the midst of all that, I am excited to make myself better.

I’m going to document my journey here so it will help me be more accountable. This is something I did the first time I lost weight and I believe it helped greatly.

We had to pick a weekly goal and a 3-month goal so far. Since I’ve got the regular exercising down pat, my main focus will be on my eating:

This week’s goal: eat smaller portions, 5-6 times a day.

3 month goal: Eat to live, not live to eat.

There’s so much more I could say about this journey, but I’ll save some of that for future posts. 🙂 Plus, I’m sure I will learn some new lessons through it all… and hopefully some new, healthy recipes to share!

Have you ever gone through a weight loss journey? If so, what was your method? What was your motivation through the journey?


Thanks for visiting! Let’s stay connected!

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