Extreme Weight Loss Challenge, Week 2: Stressed But Still In It to Win It

Week 1 Extreme Weight Loss Challenge The DIY Homegirl fitness health nutrition DIYMan alive, this past week has been a crapload of challenges! Thankfully though, I feel like I’m over the hump and it will be smoother sailing from here. Or at least, it will be smoother sailing in my mind, even if things continue to be stressful.

It’s just been one week, but I feel like I’ve observed so much. That’s pretty amazing, especially considering I have 6 more months of this challenge and will undoubtedly learn much more.

So what kind of lessons and challenges did I face this week? Continue reading find out.

First things first, I’d like to explain my “diet”during this challenge. I’m not on a special diet, nor does the weight loss challenge include a diet to follow. However, eating well has been my main issue in losing weight. I’ve been exercising regularly for years, but I’ve answered the siren song of the fatty, sweet, salty, and savory foods one too many times.

My “diet” is essentially simple: cook as much as possible and eat as clean as possible—but not too clean that I feel deprived. I am practicing the art of moderation. This “diet” has to be something I’m comfortable maintaining for life, not just to lose weight.

I’m also rationing out my meals so that I’m not eating a lot in one sitting=smaller portions, 5-6 meals a day. I don’t have blood sugar issues, but I can feel that my blood sugar is much more balanced now. I’ve also found when I do feel hungry, it’s not a ravenous hunger that needs to be fed immediately. In turn, this has led to better choices in what I eat.

I’ve noticed my sense of taste and smell has improved. I can pinpoint spices and other aromas more accurately than before. My theory is that it’s due to eating less chemicals/processed foods… kinda like how smokers have improved taste & smell after quitting.

So the challenges I’ve faced this past week… mostly it has been maintaining my sanity in the midst of change. For better or for worse, I like things to be planned and run according to schedule. Sometimes when plans deviate, I get frustrated.

I won’t get into specifics because I’ll feel crappy again for rehashing it in my mind. In a nutshell, some miscommunications and disorganization happened within this program/challenge. Because they were outside my realm of control, I felt even more stressed. But I’m now optimistic and hope these were just some kinks in the system since it just started.

Another challenge on a smaller scale, is that I haven’t lost weight since last week. So I’m being more diligent with tracking my food to ensure I’m not eating too may calories. It would be too easy to just chuck it all, but I’m not gonna do that.

Lots of stuff, right? I’m trying not to feel overwhelmed with these changes, but it’s still pretty amazing to feel all this change so far. It’s been stressful, but it’s been necessary.

This Saturday we have our first physical challenge, so I will be posting about that in a few days. I’m anxious and excited!

Thanks for visiting! Let’s stay connected!

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